Complete guide on oatmeal calories

Complete Guide on Oatmeal Calories

Oatmeal Calories

Hello to the health-conscious people! Are you looking for health and fitness diet ideas? I know in this era where diet is unhealthy everyone is worried about their health and fitness. So if you are looking for a diet that is healthy, nutritious, and keeps you fit you are at the right place. Before discussing oatmeal calories we must know what oatmeal is.

Avena Sativa is the scientific name of oats mostly eaten in the form of oatmeal. After a lot of searches, it is concluded that oatmeal has a range of potential health benefits.

A class of cereal grain that is mainly consumed as a breakfast cereal in the form of porridge. Oatmeal is also used in baked products such as oat bread, oatcakes, and oat cookies. Over the past few years, oatmeal has become the most popular ‘’healthy food’’.

Oatmeal is loaded with dietary fiber having a wide range of healthy cholesterol-lowering properties.

I’m going to discuss the health benefits of oats with the research behind these claims.

Benefits of consuming oatmeal

There are countless benefits of consuming oatmeal because oatmeal is a fiber-rich food and we know well fiber-rich foods are so good for our health. In cereal grains, oatmeal has gained the best reputation when it comes to healthy eating. Whenever we talk about the disease the first thing that comes in our mind is the food because what we are eating is directly related to our health. As it was well said by someone ‘prevention is better than cure’. As far as we are talking about the disease, we can cure it by just changing our eating habits. Here I’m going to discuss some diseases that can be controlled by eating oatmeal.

  • Prevention of coronary artery disease by consuming oatmeal :

In 2008, a paper was published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine and they assessed a number of studies across more than 10 years. They found that eating food that is rich in the whole oat is a source of soluble fiber that may help you reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases.

After 10 years of continuous studies, they concluded that by consuming oats and oat-based products you may reduce total cholesterol and LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol concentration without any adverse effect on HDL (High-density lipoprotein).

  • Prevention of colorectal cancer by consuming oatmeal

The Researchers of Britain and the Netherlands published evidence covering approximately 2 million people to evaluate that a high fiber diet (i.e. from whole grains and cereals like oatmeal) is associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer. You can see their finding that are published in BMJ.

Do you know when you consume an additional 10 grams of fiber per day, you are reducing 10 % risk of developing colorectal cancer. After a lot of hard work and research authors concluded that ‘Maximum

Intake of dietary fiber, especially, whole grains and cereal fiber, was directly linked with reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.’

  • Prevention of obesity by consuming oatmeal

According to the collection of scientific reviews that were published in 2014 in October, in a supplement issue of the British Journal of Nutrition, oats play an important role in improving satiety (satiety is the feeling of fullness), play role in improving the quality of diet, heart diseases and metabolic health.

Whole grains have a lot of beneficial effects, especially the beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Researchers, after a lot of researches, suggested that eating whole grains has potential health effects that vary from the improvement of immune health to lessen the risk of obesity and chronic diseases.

According to supplement, evidence suggests that if we consume whole-grain food on regular basis it will correspond to lower BMI (Body mass index).

Eating whole-grain i.e. oats will keep you gastrointestinal tract run smoothly. Eating oats will help you reduce constipation.

  • Oats are having antioxidants

In oats, there are a lot of molecules that act as antioxidants. Avenanthramides are polyphenols that play an important role in keeping blood pressure low by increasing the production of nitric oxide.

They show anti-inflammatory and anti-itching properties when you apply topically to the skin.

Oatmeal has been used for years as a soothing agent to alleviate itching and irritation regarding derma problems.

One cup of Oatmeal Calories

One cup of plain oatmeal contains 300 calories which includes 56 grams of carbohydrates and contains 10 g of muscle-building protein. Oatmeal refers to the preparation of oats that have been steamed, flattened, and dehusked.

Nutritional facts of one cup of oatmeal

Source include: USDA

Amount per 1 cup of dry yield 501g
Calories 339
  % Daily value
Total fat 7g 10%
        Saturated fat 1.1g 5%
        Polyunsaturated fat 2.1 g
        Monounsaturated fat
        Regulation of Trans fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 245.5 mg 10%
Potassium 305.6mg 8%
Carbohydrates 58 g total 19%
                    Dietary fiber 9 g 36%
                     Sugar 2.3 g
Protein 12 g
Vitamin A               43% Vitamin C            0%
Calcium                   40% Iron                       166%
Vitamin D                0% Vitamin B6           75%
Cobalamin               0% Magnesium          30%

Oatmeal calories with milk

There are 130 calories in oatmeal prepared with milk. There are different categories of oatmeal so as the calories.

Oatmeal calories with milk
Oatmeal calories with milk
  • Quaker oatmeal prepared with water and milk
  • Old fashion oatmeal prepared with milk
  • Instant oatmeal prepared with half milk and half water
  • Oatmeal prepared with milk and brown sugar
  • Cinnamon flavored oatmeal prepared with milk

Quaker oatmeal calories prepared with water and milk

Calories  Fat Carbs Protein
300 6 g 51 g 14 g

See full Nutritional Information.

Old fashion oatmeal calories prepared with milk

Calories Fat Carbs Protein
259 g 6 g 39 g 13 g

See full Nutritional information.

Instant oatmeal calories prepared with half milk and half water

Calories Fat Carbs Protein
130 g 2 g 18     g   4 g

See full Nutritional information.

Oatmeal prepared with milk and brown sugar:

Calories Fat Carbs Protein
0 g 0 g 0 g 0 g

See full Nutritional information.

Cinnamon flavored oatmeal calories prepared with milk

Calories Fat Carbs Protein
0 g 0 g 0 g 0 g

See full nutritional information.

Is oatmeal good for weight loss?

Oatmeal is full of healthy fiber and provides you a load of nutrients. I’m going to discuss some ways to lose weight by consuming oatmeal. Around the world, oats are the popular breakfast cereals. You can cook these breakfast cereals easily and these are extraordinarily resourceful. We can use oats in:

  • Smoothies
  • Milkshakes
  • Porridges
  • In Deserts like (cakes, cookies, and muffins)

There are countless benefits of eating oats, weight loss is one of them.

Did you know you can eat oatmeal thrice a day to lose weight?

As we all know oatmeal is a fiber-rich food and gives you a feeling of fullness (satiety). Oatmeal prevents hunger pangs and terminates the need for you to snack between major meals i.e. (breakfast, dinner, and lunch). Albeit it is not appropriate to strict your food intake to just one type of food or food group. But if you are worried about being obese and want to lose weight fast then oatmeal is the perfect diet for you. However, it is not essential to be sure that oatmeal is not some miracle food that is eaten to lose weight, but it may bring you results if you consume it as a calorie-restricted diet along with other nutritious foods.

Oatmeal diet for weight loss

There are a lot of oatmeal diets to lose weight. For your ease, I’m going to elaborate on some oatmeal diets for weight loss. In this world, countless people are so conscious about their diet. The Oatmeal diet is one of the best diets for people who are trying to lose weight. All of us want to be fit as well as healthy. There are a lot of diets for weight loss but all these diets don’t guarantee healthy weight loss. Different people follow different diet plans. There is one diet that is extremely restrictive and you have to eat oatmeal all three times of the day to lose weight and make sure that all the three meals coming to a total of 1300 calories per day. This diet is followed by reducing these three meals to two meals a day. You can also male your diet plan as two meals of the day consist of oatmeal and one meal ‘dinner’ consist of lean protein i.e. chicken or fish along with Salad or boiled vegetables. The second version of the diet plan is heather according to nutritional point of view because it gives you more micronutrients i.e. essential minerals and vitamins as well. You can also change the components of meals according to your convince, keeping in mind that the calorie count is constant.

Give it a read:

Oats as breakfast cereals help you lose weight!

Some recipes of oats for weight loss

Here are some recipes of oats you can choose for weight loss:

  • Khichdi of oats
  • Oats uttapam
  • Porridge of oatmeal with boiled egg
  • Oats idli
  • Oats porridge with chicken

Khichdi of oats

Oats khichdi is the healthier food of famous Indian food. Oats khichdi is a savory dish. You can make it easily. It gives you a feeling of fullness for a longer time.

Oats uttapam

South Asians favorite dish that is so delicious as well as healthy. A good option for filling breakfast.

Porridge of oatmeal with boiled egg

Porridge of oatmeal with boiled egg is a breakfast dish full of healthy fiber as well as vitamins and minerals. You can use the same recipe for lunch, oatmeal is having the right amount of fiber, and egg in it is full of protein to keep you going.

Maple Nut Granola

Oats idli

This recipe is also full of fiber because of oat cereal. Oats idli takes the health risk of ingestion to next level by replacement o semolina with oats.

Oats porridge with chicken

Oats porridge with chicken are a healthy and nutritious dish you can eat as any meal of the day. Oats with chicken is the best combination of taste (yummy) and health.

Do oats make you gain weight?

Oatmeal is a healthy breakfast meal but we might be vandalizing our diets. You can consume oatmeal as your healthy breakfast instead of consuming a fat-filled muffin. As I have already discussed that oatmeal is full of fiber so the question is which type of fiber? Soluble or insoluble? So you must know oatmeal is full of soluble fiber which helps you lower your LDL (low-density lipoprotein) the bad cholesterol. The oatmeal diet is also good for diabetic patients since it takes little time to digest. It is a diet that is recommended by many nutritionists because it gives you feeling of fullness (satiety) for a longer time. By consuming oatmeal some people start gaining weight. The problem is that they don’t like the taste of oatmeal but make themselves eat it because they know it’s a healthy diet. And that can go wrong. Because when people don’t like the taste of oatmeal they will try to make it palatable by adding sugar and will try to eat pick it up at quick food chains like Macdonald’s even though their oatmeal is full of sugar and additives that is going to make them gain weight.

In a study, thousands of people were asked to adopt three small behavioral changes. In these changes one thing that was included was:

Eat oatmeal in breakfast for three months. Unexpectedly, oatmeal eaters started to gain weight. So the author of that study Brain Wansink, Ph.D. author of Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think wanted to find out the reason for weight gain while consuming oatmeal. After finding reasons he came to know that the oatmeal eaters were gaining weight because they were loading their breakfast oatmeal with sugar and consuming beyond the recommended portion size and they were rewarding themselves with extra calories as a mid-morning snack. In short, these people were preferring instant oatmeal that was full of calories ignoring the fact that instant oatmeal will gain their weight.

So if you don’t like the taste of oatmeal, it will not help you lose weight because you are going to find some other way to make your oatmeal palatable such as by putting in a lot of brown sugar to make it a little more tasteful. You can make your oatmeal more palatable by adding some healthy stuff like if you want your oatmeal to be sweet add two dates because it’s a natural source of sweetness and will not let your weight increase.

Some ways oatmeal can make you fat

From a nutritional point of view, oatmeal is one of the best breakfast cereals for those who are trying to lose weight. No matter how you make it whether by using a microwave oven or go for overnight oat recipes. This whole-grain cereal can make you feel fuller for a longer time and helps you slim down. But that does not mean consuming oatmeal does not do any harm to you. If you do not take some things into deliberation, even oatmeal consumption can lead you to gain weight. It can quickly turn from a slimming breakfast to blood-glucose spiking food that can be harmful to your waistline.

Consuming it plainly

Oatmeal is a low-calorie food that is high in fiber and protein. Half a cup of dry oatmeal made with water accounts for 150 calories, 3 grams of fat, and 27 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of fiber, 1 gram of sugar, and 5 grams of protein.

Calories Fat Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein
150 3 g 27 g 4 g 1 g 5 g

You can add a bit more fiber, fat, and protein to your oat-meal to maximize the feeling of fullness (satiety). If you want to add nut butter to your oat-meal, you can add a tablespoon of it to make your oat-meal creamy and delicious. You can also add chia seed and almonds to your oatmeal to make it super yummy.

You are consuming it with too much sugar

If you want to lose weight and for this purpose, you are consuming oatmeal then do not add too much sugar to it. Some people think they can use brown sugar or sugar additives when they are on a weight loss journey. The concept of using brown sugar when you are trying to lose weight is wrong. No matter which sugar you are using whether it is white or brown, excessive intake is never a good idea. And we all know excess of anything is bad. Adding a lot of sugar can increase your blood sugar level. Let me talk about cravings here. It is the fact that whenever you are on a weight loss journey, cravings hit you harder. Like if you are not having sugary stuff in your meal, you will crave sugary stuff. So there is a solution for cravings, you can add fresh fruits and cinnamon to your oatmeal to satisfy your cravings. Always try to choose healthy options, it will help you slim down and will also help in maintaining health.

Ready to eat flavored Oatmeal

In this busy life, everyone today wants to have instant remedies. In search of instant remedies people prefer packaged and flavored oatmeal. It might seem convenient and time-saving but the fact you must know that these instant meals are full of sugar and chemicals that are not good for your health. Especially if you are on a weight loss journey, the sugary stuff in these ready-to-eat flavored oatmeal will either stuck your weight or gain weight. Some flavored oatmeal packets contain 14 grams of sugar and artificial dyes. Instead of these, try to buy unflavored oatmeal and healthy topping like nuts, fresh fruits to make it healthy.

Eating too much

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is a common concept nowadays to eat breakfast as much as you can because it’s the first meal of the day and you are going to work continuously after this. But eating too much of anything is not recommended. Over-eating can make you feel uncomfortable and will lead to weight gain. Only prepare half a cup of dry oats for one time. Try to have your meal in a small bowl it will help you eat less.

Putting too many toppings

Are you adding too many toppings to your bowl of oatmeal? If yes then you must know it can stop down your weight loss process. No matter what type of toppings you are adding to your meal. If you have added all the healthy items like fresh fruits, almonds, raisins, etc. but overdoing can add up to overall calories. Add toppings just to add flavor to your oatmeal. When you are adding fruits, almonds, etc. to your oatmeal do not add much and stick to 150 calories.

Choosing the wrong toppings

Oatmeal is the healthiest diet because it gives you a feeling of fullness for a longer time. But this healthy meal should not be used as an excuse to add a spoon full of Nutella or chocolate chips in it. It will do more damage to your health than good. Choosing the right variety of toppings is essential for staying fit and healthy. You can add a hand full of almonds or fresh fruits to make your meal healthy. You can also add a little bit of cacao powder instead of Chocolate chips. Cacao powder is made from cacao beans that are the pure form of chocolate. Also these cacao beans are rich in iron and antioxidants. Even though cacao and chocolate come from the same plants, but both have different health benefits. Cacao can have the following benefits:

  • Helps in reducing inflammation
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes
  • Helps in improving mood swings
  • Helps in preventing hypertension


While you are on a weight loss or weight-gain journey, try to choose healthy eating options. One thing may have benefits as well as drawbacks. It’s up to you, what you choose whether it is a healthy option or not.

1 thought on “Complete Guide on Oatmeal Calories”

  1. “Thank you for this comprehensive guide to oatmeal calories! I found it really helpful to understand the different types of oats and their varying calorie contents. The tips on how to make oatmeal a healthy and filling breakfast option were also much appreciated. I’ll definitely be bookmarking this for future reference. Great job!”

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