Complete Guide on rice calories and benefits

Complete Guide on Rice Calories and Benefits

Complete Guide – All about Rice Calories

Hello Rice lovers! In this article, I’m going to help you determine whether white rice is a healthy option or not. And you will come to know nutritional facts of variety of rice. As we all know it is a staple food in almost 100 countries and there are so many varieties of rice. I think no one dislike rice. India is the second country in the production of rice next to china. it is a cereal grain that is starchy. And it is produced by a grass plant of the family ‘Poaceae’. This cereal is a great source of many essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B1 (thiamine), and some minerals like Iron, Copper, Selenium, Magnesium, and Folate. You can also cook this cereal using different recipes. The need for steadiness during stocking and transport are the final factors of market accessibility and final consumption. In addition to calories, it is a superior source of many essential vitamins and nutrients but low in fat and fiber. Even though brown rice is encouraged as being ‘’healthier’’ because of the bioactive compounds present in it.

The minerals and vitamins are not present in white rice after polishing, white rice is more widely consumed than brown. White rice is consumed more because of different reasons including cooking ease, yummiest taste, and shelf life. As far as we talk about glycemic index polished rice has a higher glycemic load and thus higher glycemic load may impact glucose hemostasis but when these polished rice are mixed with other food like vegetables it can be considered as a part of a ‘’healthy’’ plate. As the population is increasing day by day, rice will remain the staple. Although it will be essential to encourage intake of the brown rice (whole grain) and to recognize ways to tackle the phytonutrients that are lost during the milling process.

The Genetic diversity is so rich, with thousands of varieties grown in the world. And at present India is the home to 6000 varieties. Until 1970, India had more than 110,000 varieties of rice. These varieties were lost during Green Revolution with its emphasis on hybrid crops and monoculture. There are different colors of paddy rice including brown, purple, red, and even black. The colorful varieties appraise valuable for their benefits regarding health.

History of Rice

Historically, ten thousand years ago rice was cultivated broadly in the river valleys of South and Southeast Asia. And it is believed that rice was originated in India. The evidence of cultivation of rice in India has been plunged to 4000 years ahead with the discovery of this cereal grain (rice). India’s pre-eminent crop is rice also it is the staple food of the people of the eastern and southern regions of the country. This cereal grain holds great spiritual and ritual importance in India. According to the Indian tradition, rice is appreciated as an influential symbol of wealth, auspiciousness, and fertility because of its life-sustaining properties. it is used in many rituals performed during different occasions and festivals.

White rice calories

The rice that had its husk, germ and bran removed by the milling process is considered white rice. This process alters the texture, appearance of rice and helps to prevent spoilage. Also extends its shelf-life and helps in easy digestion.

Nutritional facts of white rice

White, long grains

Source include: USDA

Amount per 100 g


Calories 130


% Daily value

Total fat 0.3 g

            0.1 g Saturated fat           0%
            0.1 g polyunsaturated fat
            0.1 g monounsaturated fat
0 mg cholesterol          0%
1 mg Sodium          0%
35 mg potassium           1%
28 g Total Carbs           9%
0.4 g Dietary Fiber            1%
0.1 g Sugar


Vitamin A              0%
Vitamin C             0%
Calcium             1%
Cobalamin              0%
Vitamin B-6             5%
Magnesium             3%
Iron             1%
Vitamin D
The daily percent values are based on a 2000 calories diet. According to your calories needs these values may be higher or lower.

Nutritional facts and health benefits

Nutritional facts

This nutritional information is provided by USDA for 186 grams of cooked, short-grain, enriched white rice.

                                  Calories                 242                    

                                  Fat                           0.4 g   

                                  Sodium                 0 mg

                                  Carbs                    53.4 g

                                  Fiber                      0.6 g

                                  Sugar                       0 g

                                  Protein                  4.4 g


A Single serving of white rice contains 53 grams of carbohydrates. Only a little amount of carbohydrate comes from fiber. The Maximum portion is from starch and a little amount of sugar.

As far as we talk about glycemic index, rice is estimated to have a 73 glycemic indexes. While brown rice has a glycemic index to be about 68. As short grain rice has a higher glycemic index than medium grain, long-grain, and brown rice. Here I used the term ‘Glycemic Index’ some of you don’t know what glycemic index is? Let me elaborate: ‘It is the comparative ranking of carbohydrates in the foods according to their effect on the blood glucose level.

Rice with bran attached is originally a whole grain. White rice is produced by a process called ‘pearling’ in which grain passes through a machine where it is rolled and bran is ‘’pearled’’ off leaving a white kernel intact. This process changes the whole gain into ‘refined grain’ or ‘processed grain’. The process of pearling enhances the shelf-life of rice and lowers the cooking time.

Fat Content

In rice grain, there is almost no fat content, as long as you prepare it without using butter, ghee, or oil.

Protein content

1 cup-serving of white grain contains approximately 4 grams of protein and brown rice contains 5 grams in the same serving size.

Vitamins and minerals

Rice can be a good source of vitamin b including riboflavin, thiamin, and Niacin. Also, a good source of iron. As far as we talk about minerals, it is an excellent source of magnesium and manganese.

Comparatively, brown rice gives more vitamins than white rice. White rice contains magnesium and manganese but brown rice also contains selenium, magnesium, and manganese. Selenium play role in antioxidant processes also influences thyroid function.

  • Fat free
  • Cholesterol free
  • Sodium free
  • Sugar free

Health benefits of white rice

There are so many benefits of consuming rice. it can be a part of your balanced diet depending on your choice that which variety of rice you are going to choose. If you choose brown, unprocessed rice then it could be a part of your balanced diet. Health benefits come from the minerals and vitamins present in it. I’m going to elaborate on some of the health benefits of minerals and vitamins present in rice.

Role of magnesium: (support bones, muscles, and nerve health)

In bones, magnesium is the structural component that abet in hundreds of enzymatic reactions involved in the coalescence of DNA and protein. Magnesium is also required for the proper conduction of nerves and contraction of muscles.

Improves the health of colon

Resistant starch present in rice grain can lead to the generation of definite fatty acids that help the colon stay healthy. These fatty acids may help decrease the risk of colorectal cancer.

Lowers risk of heart disease

Consumption of whole grains, including brown rice is linked with decreased risk of heart diseases (Cardiovascular diseases). According to American Health Association:

  • The American Heart Association suggests making certain that at least half of the grains we consume are whole grains. So make healthy choices and aim to choose brown rice instead of white rice and choose 100% whole wheat bread instead of white most of the time.

For the people with celiac disease

Rice grain is a natural gluten-free-grain. This grain is useful for people suffering from celiac disease and for non-celiac sensitivity. The grain can be converted into noodles, flour, bread, and syrup. You can make different dishes from grain. You can also make it into milk and used it as a non-dairy alternative for cow’s milk.

A Quick source of energy

An athlete who does a lot of physical activity needs a lot of energy. So for a lot of energy, they prefer white rice instead of brown because white rice provides a lot of energy in the form of carbohydrates. Athletes prefer white rice over brown rice because of its high-carbs low fiber profile.

Give it a read: The Reason Athletes Eat White Rice Instead of Brown Rice

Brown Rice Calories

Brown rice is a high-fiber, nutritious food correlated with healthy eating. The bran layers of white rice are typically stripped and are retained in brown rice. Brown rice contains beneficial phytochemicals like essential amino acids, vitamins, fiber, flavonoids, and phytic acid.

The primary source of these nutrients is carbohydrates that are the major macro-nutrient. So many people avoid eating brown rice because they are following low-carb fad diets.

One thing that is misunderstood is the nutritional values of carbohydrates in brown rice. Brown rice is a whole grain contains vitamins, minerals, fiber. Brown rice is a great source of slow-release energy to maintain optimal body function throughout the day. Brown rice is a low-fat food. It has a minimum amount of sugar and has a good amount of protein. Studies prove that consumption of brown rice can reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Nutritional facts of brown rice

Brown, long-grain.

Source include: USDA

Amount per         100g


Calories                 111


% Daily value

0.9 gram Total fat

1 %
                         0.2 g Saturated fat 1 %
                         0.3 g polyunsaturated fat
                         0.3 g monounsaturated fat
Cholesterol          0 mg  0%
Sodium                 5 mg  0%
Potassium            43 mg  1%
Carbohydrates    23 g  7%
                        1.8 g Dietary fiber  7%
                        0.4 g sugar
Protein  2.6 g   5%
Vitamin A   0%
Vitamin C   0%
Calcium   1%
Iron   2%
Vitamin D   0%
Vitamin B-6   5%
Cobalamin    0%
Magnesium    10%
Daily percent values are based on a diet on 2000 calories. There values may be higher or low depending upon calorie needs.


Per serving of brown rice contains over 45 grams of complex carbohydrates, 3.5 grams of fiber, and some amount of sugar (trance amount). Complex carbohydrates are more nutritious than simple carbohydrates. As complex carbohydrates contain fiber and other nutrients.

Brown rice has a high fiber content and because of high fiber content, brown rice digest slower in the body and provides energy to the body for a longer time. As far as we talk about glycemic index brown rice has a medium glycemic index ranging from 64 to 72 according to data provided by American Diabetes Association. Some brands have a higher glycemic index of brown rice but still, brown rice is recommended by ADA.

Fat content

Per gram serving of brown rice has trace amounts of mono and polyunsaturated fats i.e. only 1.2 g per serving. Unsaturated fats come from a plant source and fatty fish that is why these fat are considered as a healthy source.

It is suggested by American Heart Association that 25-35% of daily calories come from unsaturated fat. If you want a fat-free dish then do not use oil or butter.


Per 1 cup cooked serving of brown rice contain 4 grams of protein. Protein is of two types. One is complete and the other is incomplete. Brown rice contains incomplete protein like other grains so it lacks some of the amino acids to make it a complete protein.

According to the U.S. Department of agriculture, it is suggested that 10-35% of total daily calories come from protein for women and adult men.

Health benefits of Brown rice

As we all know, brown rice is a famous gluten-free whole grain option for people suffering from celiac disease, diagnosed with wheat sensitivity, or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. The phytochemicals present in it play an essential role in disease prevention.

The antioxidants, fiber, and other chemical compounds present in the bran layer of brown rice have many health benefits. Some of them are given below:

  • Improved Heart Health
  • Reduced risk of cancer
  • Helps in Weight loss
  • Helps in Decreased Inflammation
  • Helps in reducing cholesterol level
  • Reduced risk of Diabetes

Fried Rice Calories

Calorie Guide Fried Rice

Fried rice is a special dish of rice mixed with vegetables, eggs, meat, or seafood. The vegetables and other ingredients mixed in fried rice make it a healthy dish that is full of vitamins and nutrients. You can eat fried rice with any other dish like Manchurian.

Rice is a classic food and a classic side dish that has a place in a healthy diet. One thing to keep in mind that fried rice is high in carbohydrates. According to USDA, a single cup of cooked fried rice contains 37 grams of carbohydrates. But today where there are thousands of recipes of products, there are some low-carb alternatives that are healthy, nutritious, delicious and these recipes won’t leave your stomach grunting.

If you are looking for some instant and healthy recipes of rice including Biryani, fried, vegetable and many more dishes of go visit this YouTube channel to see recipes.

Nutritional facts of fried rice

Source include: USDA

Amount per 100 grams


Calories         163

                                    % Daily value

2.3 gram Total Fat

                                              3 %
                Saturated fat                     0.5 g                                               2 %
                Polyunsaturated fat         0.9 g
                Monounsaturated fat      0.6 g
                Regulation of Trans fat    0 g
23 g Cholesterol                                                7   %
396 mg Sodium                                               16 %
88 mg Potassium                                                2   %
31 g Total Carbohydrates                                               10  %
                 1.1 g Dietary fiber                                                4   %
                  0.4 g sugar
                   4.7 g protein                                                 9 %

Vitamins & Minerals

             Vitamin A                                                 0 %
             Vitamin C                                                 0 %
             Calcium                                                 1 %
              Iron                                                 3 %
              Vitamin D                                                 1 %
              Vitamin B-6                                                  0 %
              Cobalamin                                                  0 %
              Magnesium                                                  2 %
Daily percent values are based on diet plan of 2000 calories. These values can be lower or higher depend on the calorie needs.

Basmati Rice Calories

Basmati in its whole grain form can be a part of your healthy diet. As compared to regular long-grain rice, it is claimed that basmati is lower in calories. When you are trying to lose weight especially, to get rid of belly fat it is a better choice because of the low glycemic index. You can consume basmati to maintain a healthy weight. Basmati contains 3 times more fiber and more protein than white rice.

Hello to the people who are working hard to lose weight.

Do you know, you can use basmati rice to reduce belly fat?

For the people, who grew up eating rice as a staple food, there is nothing more delicious and filling than a plate of rice. No matter how it is cooked whether you add chicken in it or vegetables. If you want to lose weight and you are a rice lover and can’t survive without eating rice then especially basmati can be a great addition to your weight loss diet plan. In fact, it was the famous diet to help people lose weight and manage health conditions. In 1939, the rice diet was developed that was the ultra-low-fat meal plan to help you lose weight and treat patients with certain diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases (heart-related disorders), and high blood pressure. Basmati is naturally low in sodium and has no trans. fat (cholesterol). Studies have shown that consuming white or brown rice can encourage healthier diets as it leads to satiety (the increased feeling of fullness).

Do give it a read: Some household chores that will help you lose weight and flatten your tummy

How basmati rice support weight loss

Hello fitness lovers, are you trying hard to slim down? This article is for you people. As far as we talk about basmati, it seems to be a better option for the people who want to make them fit and healthy. It is claimed that basmati has lower calories compared to regular long-grain. Its lower glycemic index makes it a better choice for people who are trying to get rid of belly fat or maintain a healthy weight. The glycemic index of white rice is 79 where basmati has a glycemic index of 52 and brown rice has a glycemic index of 55.

The foods that have low glycemic index digest slowly and give you a feeling of fullness for a longer time.

Do give it a read: The fast metabolism diet for weight loss

Use of basmati in Rice diet for weight loss

If you are following a rice diet, basmati can fit well into your weight loss meal plan. You can use basmati rice for different dishes including Biryani, pulao, and fried rice. The most important thing is the serving size. Just control your serving size and make healthy choices. You can achieve ideal body weight by overall following a healthy, and balanced diet.

Disadvantages of eating rice

Where there are benefits of something there must be some adverse effects. We have discussed earlier the many benefits of consuming rice, here I’m going to discuss some adverse effects of eating it. One of the most common diseases that were noticed is FPIES (Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome).

Most babies and small children are affected by this condition. This disease is the inflammation of the small and large intestine. This is not a condition of allergy. Symptoms of this disease include gastrointestinal distress such as diarrhea, vomiting, severe conditions even shocks.

It can be sometimes adulterated with toxic heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and lead. This problem is especially found in small babies that is why FDA (Food and drug administration) limits arsenic levels in infant cereal rice.


In short, I want to say choose wisely. Make healthy eating habits. Don’t eat too much. Control your serving sizes. The advantage of developing healthy dietary choices and lifestyle patterns from early life leads positive impact on people’s nutrition and health throughout life and increase the productivity of individuals and nation.k

Most of us believe that good nutrition and physical activity help us maintain a healthy weight. There are countless benefits of good nutrition. Good nutrition helps in reduced the risk of some diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, strokes, diabetes, some cancers, and osteoporosis.

Try to make healthy choices, if children learn to eat healthy foods and make healthy eating choices early on, they will be more likely to spend life with healthy eating behaviors in the whole life. I hope this article will help you choose healthy options. At the end of this article, I will just say:

“Don’t eat less, eat right’’

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