How to get fiber on Low Carb diet

Comprehensive Guide on How to Get Fiber on a Low-Carb Diet – Top 10 Foods and Tips for Keto Lovers

Low-Carb, High-Fiber Diet – Balance Your Keto Lifestyle

Going to write this article for diet-conscious community especially the people who love to do the ‘Keto diet’. As we all know keto diet is a low-carb high-fat diet. So, the question is how to get fiber on a low-carb diet? Let’s discuss the answer to this question in detail.

You can get fiber on a low-carb diet by adding something in your diet that is low in carbs and high in fiber content. These things include some seeds like Flaxseed, Avocado, Chia seed, Almond, unsweetened coconut meat, blackberries, Raspberries, Pistachios, Wheat bran, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Asparagus, Eggplant, purple cabbage, etc. These seeds, nuts, fruits, and some vegetables can help you get fiber on a low-carb diet.

As we all know low-carb diet has a lot of health benefits. According to Research, it was shown that low carb diet is especially effective at enhancing feeling of fullness and aiding weight loss. But what about fiber content in a low-carb diet as fiber plays a vital role in the diet as it gives you the feeling of fullness for longer so people doing diet avoid to eat small meals between major meals. Here I’m going to discuss all those things in detail that are low in carb but high in fiber content. In this, I’m going to discuss the benefit of a low-carb diet, and all the things that are low in carb and high in fiber in detail. Hope this article will help you.

One thing that is regularly absent from the keto diet? A tad of roughage. The famous eating regimen, which frequently requires consuming almost 80 percent of your calories from fat and simply 20 to 50 grams (g) of starches per day, is regularly censured for being particularly ailing in fiber.

It was said by Dana Elia that “A diet (keto diet) that is poorly planned can cause deficiency of fiber in the people following keto diet’’

  • As fiber is important for digestive, gut, and heart health so some very low carb diets can be low in fiber. so you should add things in your diet that are high in fiber and low in carbs. like nuts, seeds, etc.
  • Low carb diet is helpful in reducing blood pressure and levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, as well as increased HDL (good) cholesterol
  • It was found that low carb diets improve blood sugar control in the people suffering from type 2 diabetes
  • Per day Low carb diets typically provide approximately 130 grams of carbs, while per day very low carb diets typically provide approximately 20–50 grams of carbs.

High fiber low carb Foods

There are a lot of foods that are high in fiber and low in carbohydrates so you can easily get fiber on a low-carb diet from them. Some of them are given below:

  • Avocado
  • Almonds
  • Flaxseed
  • Chia seeds
  • Unsweetened coconut meat
  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries
  • Pistachio
  • Wheat bran
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Eggplant
  • Purple cabbage


Avocados are high in healthy fats and has a unique taste. A natural product, avocados are commonly devoured as a vegetable and can be mixed it up in dishes. As well as being wealthy in monounsaturated fats, avocados are a decent wellspring of fiber, folate, potassium, and nutrients K and C.

In one small (136 grams) avocado there are 9 grams of fiber and 3 grams of net carbs.


Almonds are among the world’s most famous tree nuts. Extraordinary for eating, they’re profoundly nutritious and plentiful in healthy fats, cell reinforcements, and fundamental nutrients and minerals, including nutrient E, manganese, and magnesium. As they’re likewise a decent wellspring of fiber and protein, almonds may assist with expanding sensations of completion and help in weight reduction.

In one ounce (28 grams) of raw almonds, there are 4 grams of fiber and 3 grams of net carbs.

Unsweetened coconut meat

Inside a coconut, the white-colored flesh is present that is typically known as coconut meat. Normally it is sold rip up and can be added to many products such as

  • Pastries
  • Granola bars
  • Breakfast food varieties

This is used for added texture to these products. Coconut meat is having a high fiber content and the fat present in it is healthy fat while the carbs and protein level is moderate in coconut meat. It’s additionally plentiful in a few significant minerals, especially copper and manganese. Copper helps bone arrangement and heart wellbeing, while manganese is fundamental for fat digestion and catalyst work.

In one ounce (28 grams) of shredded, unsweetened coconut meat there are 5 grams of fiber and 2 grams of net carbs present.


Blackberries are a tasty, sweet, and tart summer natural product. Vitamin C they’re likewise fully nutritious, with only 140 grams bragging over 30% of the Daily Value (DV).

Berries are among the most cell-rich organic products, having antioxidant properties. Customary admission has been related to a diminished danger of persistent irritation, coronary illness, and certain types of malignant growth (Cancers).

Furthermore, it was found after a 1-week study in 27 men with over-weight or obesity on a high-fat diet that the daily consumption of blackberries, helps in increased fat burning and insulin sensitivity.

In one cup i.e. approximately 140 grams of blackberries there are 7 grams of fiber and 6 grams of net carbs present.


Another sweet yet tart summer natural product, raspberries are best delighted and you can use them in a short time after purchase. Low in calories, they’re likewise shockingly high in a few fundamental nutrients and minerals. Truth be told, only 1 cup (140 grams) gives over half of the DV for nutrient C and 41% of the DV for manganese. Likewise to blackberries, raspberries are wealthy in sickness ensuring cell reinforcements having disease-protecting anti-oxidants. You can enjoy these in a snack meal, prepared into sweets, and added to yogurt parfaits or overnight oats.

In one cup (140 grams) of raspberries, there are 9 grams of fiber and 8 grams of net carbs present.


Since 6000 BC, pistachio has been eaten by humans. It is a fruit and is mostly used as a nut. Because of beautiful green color and particular flavor, everyone loves to eat pistachio and because of their distinctive flavor these are used in a lot of dishes, including:

  • Desserts
  • Ice-creams
  • Cakes
  • Many bakery products etc.

Having a very good nutritional profile make them a healthy option even during weight loss or weight gain journey. As far as we talk about the nutritional profile, pistachios are high in healthy fats and having an excellent percentage of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is an essential vitamin that helps in proper sugar regulation and the formation of hemoglobin.

In one ounce of shelled pistachios, there are 3 grams of fiber and 5 grams of net carbs present.

Wheat Bran

Wheat grain is the hard external covering of the piece of wheat. While it’s discovered normally in entire grains, it can likewise be bought all alone to add surface and a nutty flavor to food sources like

  • Heated products
  • Smoothies
  • Yogurt
  • Soups
  • Many other dishes.

Wheat grain is plentiful in a few significant nutrients and minerals, with 1/2 cup (30 grams) giving 41% of the DV to selenium and over 40% of the DV for manganese. Albeit, maybe what it’s most popular for is its great measure of insoluble fiber, a supplement that can assist with treating blockage and advance normal solid discharges.

There are almost 6 grams of fiber and 4 grams of net carbs in a 1/4-cup (15-gram) serving of wheat bran.


Cauliflower is one of the best items having a low carb profile, as it can be riced for a grain substitute or even made into a low carb pizza crust.

Cauliflower is extraordinary compared to other things having a low carb profile, as it very well may be riced for a grain substitute or even made into a low carb crust of a pizza. Part of the Brassica family, cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that is low in calories and carbs yet high in fiber, nutrients, and minerals.

Additionally, it is one of the best sources of choline, which is significant for mind and liver wellbeing, just as digestion and synthesis of DNA.

In one cup of chopped cauliflower, there are 2 grams of fiber and 2 grams of net carbs present.

Flax Seed

Flax seeds are little oil seeds that are loaded with minerals and nutrients.

Specifically, they’re an incredible sources of omega-3 unsaturated fats, fiber, and anti-oxidants. They’re additionally low in edible net carbs the complete grams of carbs and less the grams of fiber. Quite, flax seeds have a lower proportion of omega-6 to omega-3 than most other oil seeds. This is significant, as a lower omega-6 to omega-3 proportion has been related to a diminished danger of a few constant infections. Flax seeds are handily consolidated into your eating routine and ought to be ground to receive all their potential benefits for health.

There are approximately 4 grams of fiber and 0 grams of carbs in Two tablespoons (14 grams) of ground flax seeds.

Also, flax seeds are best for girls suffering from bad menstrual cycles like hormonal balance, unwanted facial hair, sleeplessness, and many more problems related to this. These seeds along with some other seeds like chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds play a vital role in balancing hormones.

Chia seeds

These seeds are small in size but are rich in a lot of nutrients. These seeds are also having a very good nutritional profile i.e. these seeds are high in fiber. The protein, vitamins, and minerals are also high. These are the properties makes it the best source of omega 3 fatty acids from a plant source.

You can use chia seeds in different ways like you can sprinkle these seeds on  top salads and yogurt or also you can add these seeds to smoothies. These seeds also absorb liquids well, turning into a gel that can be used as a vegan egg replacement or thickener for sauces and jellies.

There are approximately 11 grams of fiber and 2 grams of net carbs in Two tablespoons of chia seeds.

Green Smoothies

It was recommended by Glassman, that feel free to consolidate a couple on this rundown for a fiber-stuffed smoothie, recommends Glassman. Throwing in frozen spinach, zucchini, or cauliflower (like cauliflower rice) adds fiber, nutrients, and minerals for a decent measure of carbs.

These vegetables bestow a rich surface without a solid vegetable taste. Chia seeds likewise make extraordinary smoothie fixings. Simply back off of the size of the smoothie to not try too hard on the carbs and show yourself out of ketosis.

Role of fiber in low carb diet

There is a vital role of fiber in getting in shape, keeping up with stable energy levels, directing glucose, dealing with your absorption, and controlling you’re craving on a low carb diet. Even though fiber is a carb, it doesn’t raise your glucose like different sugars since it doesn’t change over to glucose. This is because your body doesn’t separate fiber, so it eases back the passageway of glucose into your circulatory system, which lessens the glucose spikes that cause insulin creation and urges the body to deliver and store muscle versus fat. High fiber, low carb food sources additionally assists you with feeling full more, bringing about fewer food longings.

You ought to be eating between 25 grams and 35 grams of fiber daily, which I propose separating into 8 grams to 10 grams of fiber with every dinner. Start gradually and make sure to drink a lot of water; an excessive amount of fiber too early could cause gas or bulge. Here are my suggestions with some tips for topping off with high fiber, low carb food varieties and exploiting this amazing weight reduction tool:

Do Track your fiber

I’m going to tell you my experience with tracking fiber in my daily diet. I love to use a mobile app for tracking the grams of fibers I am consuming in every major meal and every snack. The mobile app I use is Atkins Mobile App. If you want to track your daily consumption of fiber you can also use this app.

Try to eat more veggies 

As we all know vegetables are a good source of fiber and almost all non-starchy vegetables are naturally high in fiber. And we do not consume enough of them to fulfill our fiber needs. You can add different vegetables in the omelet (morning egg) like tomato and avocado. Vegetables can give a bigger boost like cucumber with its skin helps in boosting. In lunch you can consume vegetables in the form of salad Vegetables include

Comprehensive Guide on How to Get Fiber on a Low-Carb Diet - Top 10 Foods and Tips for Keto Lovers

These vegetables can also make excellent sides for your evening meal.

Do not forget to add flax seed to your diet

There are 7 grams of fiber in two tablespoons of flaxseed. You can blend it in your Greek yogurt with raspberries or blackberries, top sprinkle it over salad. Also, you can add these seeds in pizza crust or along with mozzarella or cheddar cheese with toppings of pizza like tomato, capsicum, onion, cheese, and these seeds. Or on the other hand, you can use Golden Flax Seed and Caraway Flatbreads, and spread on some pounded avocado (additionally high in fiber) for a low carb adaptation of avocado toast.

Add whole grain to your diet

Whole grain is the best source of fiber. But if you are on a weight loss journey most probably your health care provider/ Dietician, or Nutritionist will not allow you to consume whole grain. Maybe you are allowed to eat less but sometimes whole grain is completely restricted in the weight loss journey. So, consume it when you are ready. As, whole grains is full of fiber, so will give you a feeling of fullness for longer and you will avoid eating small meals between major meals.

Add Fruits to your diet

Low carb, high fiber foods

You can add fruits to your diet because a lot of fruits are high in fiber and low in carb content. Low sugar fruits such as:

Berries are a preferable choice for you over natural product squeeze

  • There are 4 fiber grams of fiber in a half cup of raspberries
  • 8 grams of fiber in Blackberries
  • 7 gram of fiber in blueberries or strawberries
  • 7 grams of fiber in kiwis (natural product).

At the point when you eat your natural product with protein and additionally fat (like Greek yogurt, nuts, cheddar, or weighty cream), you moderate the effect these regular sugars have on your glucose levels.

Last Thing about Getting Enough Fiber on the Keto Diet

Fiber is significant for everybody, whether or not you’re on the keto diet. It was said by Elia, that in case you’re going keto, your best and most secure strategy is to enroll an enlisted dietitian proficient in the eating regimen to plan an arrangement that will meet your supplement needs.

Constipation is considered having less than three defecations per week, or stools that are hard and dry or hard to pass, per the NIH. In the case of expanding fiber admission, drinking more water, and being dynamic don’t assist with moving things along, converse with your primary nutritionist or health care provider.


If you want to get high fiber content in a low carb diet you have to add these things to your diet. Our body needs a proper amount of carbs, fats, proteins, as well as fiber is essential. Fiber helps in digestion and gives you a feeling of fullness for longer. So fiber is essential for proper digestion and to keep yourself from munching or cravings. Add nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruits that are high in fiber and low in carbohydrates. Hope this article will help you add that thing in your diet having high fiber and low carb content.

1 thought on “Comprehensive Guide on How to Get Fiber on a Low-Carb Diet – Top 10 Foods and Tips for Keto Lovers”

  1. “Thank you so much for this informative article! As a keto enthusiast, I was struggling to find ways to increase my fiber intake. This guide has been a game-changer! The foods list is so helpful and I’ve already started incorporating into my diet. Feeling fuller and more energized already! Keep sharing your expertise, it’s much appreciated!” – Great Job done.

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